Mad props to Walter White for his epic, epic, EPIC verbal smackdown of that hideous, castrating, nagging, emasculating joker/Michael Jackson/transvestite/monster-looking adulterous skank of a wife during the first ten minutes. So this repulsive fiend runs off. Yaaay Walt!
Said the Monkey's muse and better half at this point: "Oooh poor monster face. Time to go off and fuck your boss."
Except one imagines Beneke ain't rolling with that shit after her weight gain at the approximate velocity of the increasing U.S. National debt and this freakish Joker/Jacko bizarre face chopping effect she has going on now. "Uh, Sky.. maybe its time for us to be JUST FRIENDS!!!!!"
And finally we see the spirit of the porkpie hat-wearing "Heisenberg" raise up when at home. The Monkey would suspect that a more "serious" reviewer would pinpoint this as some sort of deeper, transformative moment on Walt's move from "protagonist" to "antagonist." Yeah, what the fuck ever. The Monkey on the other hand is just happy to see him drive the monster out of the house so it is no longer putting its hideous visage all over the screen.
Bogdan: "I don't want her coming back with more demands." Yeah, you and us too, Bogdan. But for us it really is a matter of not wanting her coming back at all. And nice smackdown of Bogdan too, Heisenberg.
And GREAT EVEN MORE MAD PROPS to Heisenberg for getting Walt Junior a Challenger SRT8 in Hemi Orange. Those familiar with the contents of the Monkey's garage will understand his appreciation of this.
Incipient Walt/Jesse rift widens perceptibly as per Gus' evil plan. The Monkey's boy Pinkman with the characteristic defiant response: "Yo, register THIS!" Memo to Vince Gilligan: please don't fucking kill Pinkman. Ever.
And as a side note the Monkey imagines that Pinkman would feel quite at home wearing shit from the retail emporium here.
Bad joke of the day.
Question: "What would Lou Dobbs think of Walt (likely) getting those nice Salvadoran ladies killed?
Answer: "A GOOD START!"
Oh fuck, the beast is Back on and overwhelming the entire big-screen with its immense girth. They need to shoot her scenes from a helicopter or something just to be able to fit her on camera.
So Beast is at the "Four Corners" trying to decide where to go. Well since neither Neverland Ranch nor Gotham City are in any of those states the play unfortunately is to come back to New Mexico. God damn it. Memo to Gilligan: please have her get hit by a car or something. Or, uh, hit by something bigger, as it would probably now require at least a bus if not an M1A1 Abrams to deliver a killing blow to that monster.
Pinkman and the two meth-heads. Good shit. Other than how offended your average Republican probably was at the message the Cartel wrote to Mike in Mexican. "ENGLISH IS THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, MEXI-CARTEL!!!!!!!!!! MICHELE BACHMANN WILL ROUND YOUR ASSES UP AND EFFECTUATE A FINAL SOLUTION TO YOUR EXISTENCE! PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!!"
Gus and Pinkman. You know, when the Monkey has his own multistate meth-dealing organization he wants to handle people exactly like this. Like, if you had to write the employee handbook for your average meth empire this would be some shit the HR department would hold up as the example of effective management of subordinates. The carrot, as it were, with the stick being the cutting of throats with an exacto knife.
(Just kidding about the meth-dealing, DEA/NSA/god knows who else that is harvesting this website. The Monkey believes in saying no to drugs. And stay in school, kids!)
Pig. But at least she/it is somewhat near the money by self-characterizing as the "bitch mother."
Sigh. That's all.
DISCLOSURE: Written under the influence of Sangria.