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Memo to Republicans: if this is to be believed (and to the Monkey it appears fairly reasonable), you will need Florida, Ohio, Virginia, AND one from the list of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, and New Hampshire.
In 2010 Florida and Ohio elected GOP governors who are both extremely unpopular at the moment.
Likely nominee Der Christenfuhrer is all buddy-buddy with that asshole fascist cocksucker Pastor John Hagee. Who calls Catholics (the Monkey's people, BTW) something along the lines of "devil-worshippers."
Where are there a lot of Catholics? Well, everywhere, for one. LOTS in Ohio. Lots in Florida. And oh yeah, by our count Obitchba can win the whole thing with just Florida from among those tossup states. And what is Florida crawling with? Bugs, certainly, but even more than that - OLD PEOPLE. Who pretty much tend to vote on one issue and one issue only: Social Security. Described by Rick Perry as a "monstrous Ponzi scheme." That the "unconstitushinul Zionist-occupahd govmint dun use ta steal from y'all an' give to sum Jewish bankers in Zoorich." (Uh, just kidding about the last part of the sentence. Just kidding that he SAID it, anyway. That he THINKS it is probably not even up for debate.)
Still want to nominate Der Christenfuhrer? Really? The Republican electorate is not generally known for its, uh, intelligence. But you dumbfuck inbred-ass teabag cocksuckers better look real hard at that map and think about all those Catholics and old people and MINORITIES in Florida.
If Christie doesn't get in you bitches need some HUNTSMAN. STAT.