Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why we call him Obitchba: Exhibit 754


And note this is not one of those idiotic loony right-wing websites that is calling out Obitchba. This is Markos Moulitsas!

Now in truth kos is one of those guys the Monkey actually quite respects despite disagreeing with him on most issues. Why? Because Markos Moultisas has BALLS. And when he sees weak-ass shit he does not equivocate or simper around mealy-mouthing some warmed over talking points. No, he CALLS people on this.

See, Obitchba is like that girl in everybody's high school who has given it up without resistance to everyone from the football team to the chess team. There was a chick like this at the Monkey's high school. And she ended up going knees to the sky for the guy who was unambiguously the biggest dweeb in the school. And she wanted a RELATIONSHIP with said dweeb. Wanted to be his girlfriend, to go to the prom, to do all that "Sixteen Candles" shit like normal people.

But the Dweeb had no respect for her and tossed her aside the same way pretty much every other dude (but not the Monkey, btw) had. The Dweeb's rationale was more or less as follows - Skank had the reputation for giving it up. So Dweeb wanted to get him some. And Dweeb had no interest in anything else from the class whore.

That's it right there. When you're the class whore you cease to be able to interact with ANYONE on any basis other than this. Even the short hairy Dweeb with thick glasses who usually had cheese crackers in his teeth is going to say "Yo, ain't no relationship here! I'ma hit it and quit it!" (And likely throw in an odd Doctor Who reference for good measure.)

Obitchba, of course, has long established that he is WEAK and will CAVE immediately to anyone coming at him from the slightest adverse angle. So who is EVER going to respect him? Fucking John Boner is just gonna say "Yo! I'ma hit it and quit it!" (slaps high five with golf buddy.)

And get the fuck out the Monkey's face with that "oh, but didn't he kill Osama?" Uh, yeah, and roughly 100 out of every 100 U.S. presidents gives that go order when presented with actionable intel from the CIA. Even, apparently, bitches like Obitchba.