Saturday, August 27, 2011

Slow Train Comin' (the nightmare of ObamaCare) Vol. MXIV

Decent Byron York piece here examining yet another of the unintended consequences of what the Monkey believes will go down in history as the single worst piece of legislation to emerge from the sewers of Washington this side of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.

And come to think of it, those horrendous laws actually emerged from the sewers of New York City. Making ObamaCare the worst piece of legislation passed since Washington DC became the US Capital.

Characteristically, York comes to the incorrect conclusion (the plan of these evil SOCIALISTS all along was to move americans onto government-run exchanges.)

Uh, no, the plan all along was determined when Obitchba and Rahm Emanuel decided from moment one to sell out the interests of all americans (democrat, republican, libertarian, and Monkey alike) to the nefarious clutches of the pharma and health insurance lobbies.

Everything past that is an unintended consequence of taking a horrendously inefficient, corrupt, and skewed marketplace bereft of any market competition to begin with and then attempting to micromanage, hyper-regulate, and impose all sorts of further distortions upon it. All in the name of scoring a legislative "victory." And all done in a way that the truly pernicious unintended consequences will not begin to bugger the US economy until after 2016. When Mr. Hopey Changey bitch motherfucker is off earning speaking fees and president Hillary Clinton has to deal with yet another iteration of teabagger assclownery. Kind of ironic there, but in no way fair to anyone involved.

When you attempt to micromanage and hyper-regulate something so vast and complex.... well, how did Nixon's wage and price controls in 1971 work out? Uh yeah, exactly.

Blueprint for MonkeyCare:
1) repeal the antitrust exemption for the health insurance industry
2) allow insurance to be sold across state lines
3) break the pharma industry's ongoing assrapery of the United States by allowing drug reimportation from third-world unsafe places like Canada and Switzerland and the like (and BTW, chalk that up as Obitchba broken campaign promise number about 8 zillion.)
4) allow the market to take over. Regulate SENSIBLY as these motherless fucks in the insurance industry attempt to find new and creative ways to fuck everyone.

But NOOOOOOOOOO. All that shit would make too much sense. And since the insurance and pharma industries OWN both parties nothing like any of that could ever happen.

Just saying.