Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Obitchba speaking and Monkey did not see this in time to short the S&P

It is unclear as to what methodology one could use to substantiate this, but the Monkey believes that if you shorted any of the broad index funds the minute Obitchba pops up on TV you'd probably do pretty decently.

Seriously, looking at the chart the S&P was recently over 1231. But SOMETHING has shredded 6 - now 7 full points of that - most likely directly coincident with Obitchba getting in front of a mic.

Hey Obitchba! Can you give the Monkey a little more advance warning next time you are planning to go and serve up some red meat to us short sellers?

Now presumably the CNBC idiots probably were announcing that this was upcoming. But that would require listening and paying attention to them and of course that ain't happening anytime soon.

UPDATE: 10 points down and counting. Mind you, prior to the crazy volatility of August a 10 point move in the S&P is a lot if you are talking about a full day. DAMN! Someone needs to write an iPhone App that texts you or something when Obitchba shows up on CNBC so you can get your shorting on.

Chalk another lost banana-making opportunity up to the Monkey being too busy to stay on top of the market stuff right now.